《If I Were A Boy》歌词详解,100个版本都是爱情故事

《If I Were A Boy》是由美国女歌手碧昂斯演唱的流行歌曲。歌曲早在2008年就由碧昂斯发行,如今已成为全球流行音乐的代表之一。歌曲中围绕现实生活中的爱情焦点,描绘了一名女孩想象如果自己成为男孩,将有怎样不同的体验。只要是有爱的地方,都可以诠释成这首歌曲的真实写照。


“If I were a boy, I think I could understand, how it feels to love a girl, I swear I'd be a better man.”这首歌曲开头是女主角唱出自己如果成为男人,会对女性有怎样更深层次的理解和更大的包容力。

“Took for granted everything you had, as if I'm supposed to somehow know what you had, 'til you're gone. I'd be the father of your son, believe in all the things you'd never believe in.”这首歌曲描绘了有些人只在失去之后才能深刻地理解彼此之间的感情和珍惜。

“'Cause they'd stick up for me, if I were a boy. I think that I'd understand, how it feels to love a girl, I swear I'd be a better man.”这首歌曲展现出作为一个不同性别的人,在恋爱中能够理解对方的付出。

结尾处唱出了一段挽歌般的歌词,“When you lose the one you wanted, 'cause he's taken you for granted, and everything you had got destroyed. But you're just a boy…”

